Galleries of Gally Days

Comments about our virtual 1970
50th Anniversary Class Reunion


Dear the Committee or whatever it is called,

I want to express my thoughts & feelings about the anniversary weekend!!!
I was so impressed with all we did...
The chairs Kathy, Cynthia and Ron did enormously & fabulously well!
Fred Pickering ~ terrific patient on keeping up with all the accounts, addresses and so forth.
Paul Stefurak with his amazing website.  We are FORTUNATE to have his expertise in it. 
Marilyn did superbly on 20 newsletters.  She had great committee.   
Jack had done fabulously, handling the zoom with huge help from sweet and patient Jesse.
Bernie & Jay did awesomely on the anniversary book.  He had several great helpers and supporters.  I look through it several times.  Enjoy it so much. 
Mary did the power point on obituaries beautifully.  Required a lot of patience, I am sure. 
Oh my I was hit emotionally at the end (tearing). I am tearing now.  Chuckling ...

I could go on and on.  Hope I didn’t miss anyone.  The whole thing was AMAZING, AWESOME & MARVELOUS and and and ...
Pat on your backs!!!
Hands waving to all!!!

Janie Pearson



Responding to Janie’s comment:


Yes!!! Everything was wonderful and I enjoyed everything and every moment!!!


Reda Evans Tweedie




Hi to all!!!  Yes, I agree with Janie, and I say AMEN to her words!!!  I want to commend to everyone that the Class of 70's Virtual reunion was a success and so wonderfully and creatively done. Thanks to all for doing this over the past week, and over the past couple of years to make it a gradual success!!!!

May God bless you all for what you have done!!!

Dale Ritter


This is Ann Perkins Niemeier (Known as Olina Ann Perkins at Gallaudet yearbook with the Class of 1970) from Georgia. 


Well done job on planning 50th Anniversary for the Class of 1970!  So many faces have changed since 50 years ago!


Ex-member of Class of 1970 Olina Ann (Perkins) Niemeier 

Great job to all of you!  I enjoyed reading the newsletters about whereabouts of the Class of 1970.  Congratulation on making to 50th!




Ann Perkins Niemeyer




Hi Kathy,


Let you all know this class reunion was very successfully well planned regardless of COVID-19 situations for everyone!!! The whole plan was so entertaining, enjoyable and especially awesome 👏 to see most of our class members on the virtual screen.


Really really cool, fun to watch and a real blessing to catch up with our old memories!!

Thank you all for this wonderful opportunity.  You all take good care of yourselves!!!!!


Mucho love,


Cheryle Conte-Coulston



 Dear Class of 1970!!, the mighty One!


Hail to Class of 1970 forever!!


First of all, I want to thank you to all the committees for their hard work since three years!! It was great successful and very unique than any I ever seen. God blesses you all!!


Secondly, I humble and being honored that you have chosen the beautiful Tower Clock logo for both the Anniversary yearbook and also for the vest (and the banquet program book). It inspired me that you all have recognized the design is very different from all of the classes in the past. I remembered when I unveilded the class of 1970 Banner, many people stared at and thought it was a weirdo!! (included our classmates, too). That was a great one!!


Third, keep in touch as a big family and hopefully see you all next year as the Lord our God permits!!


Take care and stay safe and in great healthy!


Mighty Spirit of Gally 70!!


Many Blessings be yours,


Pastor Dr. Francis Casale


Thank you, Kathy for doing such a wonderful job making this reunion a success in spite the difficult era we are currently experiencing. See you soon hopefully in person.

Be safe and take care of yourself and Rob.


 Johnny Robertson


Good morning Kathy!

 Thank you all for putting together an amazing virtual reunion!  I appreciate all of your hard work!

 May I offer some feedback for improvement if and shall it be offered again in the future.

 1. Zoom can be challenging for some who may not be familiar with its features.  

A. Provide instructions for each significant feature, such as, rename oneself, mute audio, stop video.

 For this purpose, rename oneself is significant so we can identify the person.

 B. Zoom etiquette should be discussed.  Examples: one person speak at a time; be aware of background (one went to the bathroom and left the door open for us to see!) 

 C. Do not encourage the use of iPhone and iPad. It can be time consuming trying to locate a speaker. 

 2. Discussing questions in the break out room was fantastic! Some did not follow

instructions on how to work with a group. - one speaks at a time.  I understand the excitement/eagerness to talk with certain individuals while a person is speaking. Perhaps add more instructions on how to participate in the break out room.

 3. It would be nice for all of us to wear our medallion and vest on the last day.  

 Once again, many, many thanks for making this whole event successful!


 Carole Kircher Lazorisak


 Thanks for the wonderful program. It brought me tears with joy. 

 Hugs, Mary Limoni Kraus




Yes yes! Wonderful program.  Wonder if there is a recording of this kickoff posted yet.   Several classmates missed it and want to see it.  Maybe it should be posted soon so they will want to join us tomorrow and Saturday. What do you think?  Tons of thanks to you and your committee for the fabulous job.  


Angela Petrone Stratiy




Hello everyone,


PLUS TO ALL ON THE COMMITTEE......Class of 1970....


It was a WONDERFUL program to feel mostly part of CLASS of 1970.


Keep up the GOOD work.


It was great that CLASS OF 1970 honored Jack R. Gannon.


Good to see most of the classmates.  Thank you, Jack Lamberton for sending me the hyper link....


I am going to stay together with CLASS of 1970 for the rest of this week.


Take care and stay safe.


Jane and Bunki




HI Kathy,


The KICK OFF was awesome!!!!!! This new experience with virtual with

the Class of 70 was awesome.  You and all your committees deserved to

be recognized on this virtual to make this happen with your wonderful

preparations.  Hands waving to you all!


I enjoyed every minute of it!!!!!


Looking forward to watching all of them.  I got myself with goose lumps on your announcement of the amount we contributed for our class of 70!  I am truly thrilled that our class actually made it!!!!!


Thank you. Stay in touch!


Sandra Kazmierski Bianco


 Hello Kathy,

 I really enjoyed this four days programs. You did a great job…Thank you.

 Helen Merritt Tingley


 Good morning Kathy!

 Fabulous job you did last night in our virtual kick off zoom meeting.  

 Am forwarding the Deaf Digest News to you to send an email blast to our Mighty Class 1970 class. The editor mentioned one of the members of our class.   I am sure our class would be thrilled to learn who the person is. If you can paste to just one paragraph “Deaf Space or Deaf Friendly”, that would be great. 

 Thank you,

 Bob Harris

If you have any comments, please email to Kathy Sutton.  Her email address is



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